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v1.0 Intial Release

v1.0.0(2) WSLogging and cancel session

v1.0.0(3) WS ip addrss configuration

v1.0.0(4) Manual control integration

v1.0.0(5) UI refactor and added settings page

v1.0.0(7) Temperature control and bug fix

v1.0.0(8) iOS 14 and Android 11 compatible

v1.0.0(9) Auto cooktop detection on wifi and bug fix

v1.0.0(10) Tomato sause recipe prepare

v1.0.0(11) Recipe timer update support

v1.0.0(12) Add sound when changing step

v1.0.0(13) WebSocket restructure, continue to recipe, next to done button behavior

v1.0.0(14) Pancake consumer learning prep

v1.0.0(15) Preheat temperature adjust, before and after view, bug fixes

v1.0.0(16) Self calibration

v1.0.0(17) Change to 2200 seconds

v1.0.0(18) Camera bug fix, temperature mode button

v1.0.0(19) Cookware list, add calibration data to message

v1.0.0(20) Cookware selection card on recipe start

v1.0.0(21) Cookware selection image, coil selection update

v1.0.0(22) Fix stepTyp 9, timer/temp adjustment and manual control

v1.0.0(23) Zone selection in self-calibration

v1.0.0(24) Fix coil positions

v1.0.0(26) Self calibration UI update, bug fixes

v1.0.0(27) BLE search, manual mode temp up to 450, manual mode calibration button

v1.0.1(0) New privisioning! Self-calibration manual mode entry, update temperature on manual mode, self-calibration time remaining text update, auto pan detect, new recipe integration

v1.0.1(1) Recipe title auto generation, add recipe description to recipe page, read parameters from recipe

v1.0.1(2) Portion implemented, Fix ingredients showing, Manual temp mode fix

v1.0.1(3) Slider UI fix, cookware calibration notification, timer notification, next step message fix, calibration text change

v1.0.1(4) Upstream Flutter to 2.0! Log Console shaking phone, fix recipe double conversion, Low/medium/High text update, control zone name update, show temperature on manual mode

v1.0.1(5) Consumer learning version! Timer in manual mode, pan picture update, pan labels, pan selection progress

v1.0.1(6) New websocket library

v1.0.1(7) Respond to appliance step change

v1.0.1(8) Handle double connection, show fractions in recipe, heating text update, press next text udpate, keep screen on during cooking

v1.0.1(9) New manual mode design, handle F and C conversion

v1.0.1(10) SF consumer learning version, manual mode temperatures list slider

v1.0.1(11) EMEA recipes

v1.0.1(12) Timer chime update, new pans for EMEA study

v1.0.1(13) Manual mode and calibration pan number, chicken and broccoli step 3 fix

v1.0.1(14) Manual mode UI update, Manual mode support lower temperature, voice control integration, CLC web release!

v1.0.1(15) Add smart techniques, manual mode cookware selection, manual mode boost, timer animation improve

v1.0.1(16) remove smart techniques, boost fix

v1.0.2(0) Chicago study version, add melting/simmering/boiling temperatures

v1.0.2(1) EMEA study version, manual mode UI change, touch indicator for better recording, temperature range support, pan catalog banner remove, boost mode disable on temp mode

v1.0.2(2) Show cookware catalog on start, temperature mapping fix, temperature unit on burner fix

v1.0.2(3) MSU Capstone project version, recipe loader, video player

v1.0.2(4) (TEST) Support new ESP32 firmware

v1.0.2(5) Add debug logging for websocket messages

v1.0.2(6) Enhancements made for Joe demo, ACT name change, cooktop figure shape change, manual mode timer alert, remove calibration and cookware selection in manual mode, slider temperature increments change, temperature guide adjustments

v1.0.3(0) Pancake smart mode inital implementation!

v1.0.3(1) Live tweaks, parameters embedded

v1.0.3(2) Revert parameter changes

v1.0.3(3) Debugger bug fix, Alert loop bug fix

v1.0.3(4) Pancake preheat done sound alert, bowning level button behavior fix, preheat to heating flow fix

v1.0.3(5) Probe calibration instruction change, suggested temperature and food change

v1.0.3(6) Fix calibration wordings

v1.0.3(7) Fully support sideloading recipe with URL

v1.0.3(8) Change temperature slider step for celsius, add hidden pan select button, change default cookware to 0

v1.0.3(9) Change hidden pan select button size and color, temperature slider step fixed

v1.0.3(10) Adjust hidden pan button visibility, disable the button during powering on

v1.0.3(11) Accept PowerMin and PowerMax from recipe

v1.0.4(0) Initial boiling smart mode implementation, manual mode min temperature to 40C

v1.0.4(1) Extra notation support for ingredients parsing in recipe description

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